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Reviews — Chimney cowl

13 years later and the Windkat Cowl is still doing it's Job

Guten Tag,

nach nun ca. 13 Jahren kann ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass unser Windkat nach wie vor sehr gut funktioniert und wir sehr zufrieden sind.

sonnige Grüße vom Balaton und von

Werner Giebenhain




Good day,

after about 13 years I can tell you that our Windkat is still working very well and we are very satisfied.

Sunny greetings from Lake Balaton and from

Werner Giebenhain

We tried many different things from spinning cowls...


It's been quite a few years, many infant since we installed a Windkat.
We keep meaning to message how happy we are and continue to be happy.
We are open to the elements and extremely rural. We had absolutely years of backdraught, smoky house and problems with wind from the west.
We tried many different things from spinning cowls to extending the chimney outside and so on.
Stumbled across this and no turning back.
Amazing. Literally no issues since.


The Windkat successfully resolves smoke throughout the home.

Hi Philip,
Great news to report in that the Windkat has successfully resolved our problem with smoke throughout our home when we lit the fire.
It's an open fire and it worked fine until we extended into the loft. This changed the roof obviously and since then we have had issues with smoke coming into the house.  We hardly lit the fire last year because of it.  Our chimney sweep said our fire opening was too wide (we increased that when we put in a new fireplace), however it had worked fine before extending the loft so we really wanted a solution where we didn't have to change the fire place itself.  
Thanks so much and also for assisting when I ordered the wrong size of Windkat.  

Stunning Windkat Cowl installation in Malta cures smoke and smell issues...

Thank you for such a professional and swift service. We are so please with our Windkat's, which have finally solved the long and on going smoke and smell issues in our home. We will be recommending this product to all our friends and neighbours here in Malta. 

All the best from Malta.

The Windkat Cowl cures AGA flue Downdraught problems

Dear Windkat Team,

I write by way of an update. We had the windkat fitted two weeks ago and had the flue swept at the same time. We had the Aga serviced and re-lit. Since it was re-lit we have had nearly unremitting high winds including 60mph gusts over the last few days as “storm Gareth” has hit. 
What an incredible product the Windkat is! We have had no downdraught at all! None! In our quest to cure the Aga flue downdraught problem we’ve had a rotorvent and a eurocowl. The rotorvent cured downdraught in low winds but the house would have been full of smoke and the Aga sooted up in these conditions. The eurocowl was even worse. Under the current wind conditions we would have had flames shooting out around the edges of the fire door, the fire valve would trip and the Aga turned off. 
The Windkat has completely cured the problem. An outstanding piece of engineering, worth every penny. 

The Windkat Cowl cures smokey fireplace in Wine Bar

Good afternoon, 

I have attached a few Windkat photos when the weather was nice. Both Windkat's are working amazingly well and we couldn't be more happy. No more smoke or downdraught ruining the restaurant atmosphere. Thank you for the great service and support. 

Many thanks 

Diana R

Stunning Windkat installation in the heart of the Austrian Alps

We have had a troubled and smokey stove for some time now and I can finally say after trying several Cowls we have hit the jackpot. Thank you to Windkat Cowls and your excellent service. We are looking forward to a successful winter at long last. What a great clever Cowl you have. I wont be surprised if I start seeing these Windkat's all over the Alps and chalets in the near distant future. I will be recommending them.

All the best,

Steve M 

Windkat Cowl cures failed Gas Fire spillage test

Hi Windkat Cowls,

Our Windkat cowl has now been fitted, and good news, the chimney now works. The gas fire, that previously failed its spillage test, this time round passed with flying colours.

Thank you for all your help.

Best wishes

Paul G

Windkat Cowl for Chimney Pots

Just to feedback; we are very impressed with your cowl. It's as good as the testimonials say and has certainly cured our problem. It looks the part too.
Thanks for your help.
Attached photo shows splendid cowl: